Here you will find a listing of future events and conferences of interest to the group. Aside from major conferences we hope to provide information on regional discussion and special topic groups.
EUROMAR Conference
Euromar is a subdivision of Groupement Ampere, that organizes annual meetings on the subject of magnetic resonance, usually in the first week of July. The meetings are held in different locations within Europe, and cover all aspects of magnetic resonance, including NMR, ESR and MRI.
The Experimental Nuclear Magnetic Conference (ENC)
- Typically held in the spring.
- Oral presentations and posters on state-of-the-art advances in NMR experimentation, instrumentation and applications.
- The AMMRL typically holds it’s annual general meeting at this conference.
ISMAR Conferences
- Held biennially at various locations worldwide.
- The 24th ISMAR conference will held jointly with the ENC in 2025.
- Covers all aspects of magnetic resonance including NMR, ESR/EPR and MRI.
Practical Applications of NMR in Industry Conference (PANIC)
This conference focuses on discussions of applications of NMR spectroscopy for solving real life problems in industry, government and academia.
Rocky Mountain Conference on Magnetic Resonance (RMCMR)
- Focused on EPR and Solid-State NMR spectroscopy
- The SSNMR meeting is held biennially in even numbered years.
- Typically held in late July in Colorado.
Small Molecule NMR Conference (SMASH)
- Focused on new experimental techniques as applied to small molecules.
- Held annually usually in September alternating between the US and Europe.